A/Prof Ganendra Raj Kader Ali Mohan ( Raj Mohan )

I am a Board-Certified Gynaecologic Oncologist and the Head of Gynaecology Oncology Department at SJOG Subiaco.
I am actively involved in Gyneacological Cancer Research as a current member of ANZGOG, the lead group for Gynaecological Cancer Clinical Trials in Australia and New Zealand.
I completed my general Obstetrics and Gynaecology training after obtaining the MRCOG in London in 2003 and then obtaining my FRCOG in 2015. I worked as a Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with an interest in Gynaecology Oncology before undertaking further training to specialise as a Gynaecologic Oncologist in Australia.
I obtained my FRANZCOG and CGO in 2010 and 2012, respectively.
I was Clinical Lead of Gynaecology with the Department of Health's Cancer Network & North Metropolitan Health Service's WA Cancer & Palliative Care Network Clinical Implementation Unit between 2019-2023.
I obtained my Master's in Clinical Trials and Research from the University of Sydney in 2019 and recently obtained my Associate Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators this year.

- Do you / your family or Carers have any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (Fever, Coughing, Sneezing, Sore throat or difficulty breathing)?
- Have you returned from Overseas or Interstate travel within the last 14 days ? If so, have you self-isolated for 14 days ?
- Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 ?
If so, please NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY as your Appointment unfortunately will need to be postponed until further notice and you are cleared by the Health Department.
** Please Note **
As a courtesy to all of our Patients, particularly our *CANCER LADIES* who are on *Chemotherapy treatment and are Immunosuppressed * – We wish to advise that we can only have **THE PATIENT and 1 FAMILY MEMBER (No children) in OUR OFFICE at one time.** We ask that you WAIT IN YOUR CAR or under the carport and then phone us on your arrival please.
We are very sorry for this inconvenience but **These safety measures have been put in place to protect you – so no Patient/ Family member / Our Doctors or our Staff are put at risk** This is crucial to everyone’s Health and well-being.
Thanking you for your understanding at this difficult time.

Our Team Members
Contact Us
A/Prof Raj Mohan
148A Cambridge Street
(Cnr St Leonard's Avenue)
West Leederville
WA 6007